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You are invited to check out my New Media Format! But first, read a little about it. 

The past two months we have been talking about New Media. We were asked to turn our opinions into both a paper like and new media like format. I am not a person who really follows rules for creativity, that’s why I rather do “planning” afterwards of my piece of art. Like when doing the essay, I did it in this order: Draft -> brainstorm -> Peer edit -> Correction -> Final Draft -> Pre write paper. Pretty similar things happened when doing a website, my chosen option because of the flexibility it brought with it, as that it sounded way easier, since it was to send my words into images, video or in other words, media. However, as I argued against New Media it has been pretty tough. Because I am against it but using it to perform an argument against it, pretty ironically. I started by creating my page on Wix and having a template, I tried doing the storyboard, but I couldn’t really develop anything I would then do. I decided to just do it, add little things and at the end draw it in my story board. Maybe is not as organized, but it’s just how it has been working lately. Maybe someday I will rather start by planning and not just writing.


Afterwards I found both the essay and the new media format, very flexible in order to help me say what I really think. Both can easily transmit my message to the reader and portray what I want people to understand. Though, the new media format would be more dynamic, it still has to have words, and well written-understandable-with-sense things such as lots of pictures and clear-consistent sentences. Their differences stand in that the essay needs more little things, as every supporting point, evidence and connecting words, and the new media format will not really need a connecting words or sentences with other pages, which was more likely easy in that way.


Performing both processes brought some difficulties, for example when doing the essay, it was difficult to find a supporting evidence for everything. Also, trying to make it solid but not boring was also a challenge. Different from the website since what I found more difficult was finding the way to make it super fun to look at, but also fun to read, like not one of those websites where just by the Home page you would click the back button. Also inserting the text and making my point clear with just little parts of text was pretty tough.



However, there were also pleasures. Like when writing my essay, I found super nice that after I read it, I could really “hear” my voice, like I just wrote it with all that I feel and think. Also, that as a reader I could really sense the writer´s voice while reading the paper. After concluding my website I would see how the idea of using more dynamic tools, such as videos and pictures makes it easier for engagement. Plus, it can look less harsh and more as an informative page, since where I really stand on this topic is in a medium position, I mean, not agreeing nor disagreeing, this was one of my pleasures when doing the New Media Format. 

Check it out now!

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